Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hi friends!  It's been awhile since my last update.  I must confess something.  Sometimes I get weary of seeing the world through a camera at times....so I really don't have many photos from December!  I do have a few.  But I ended up getting the stomach virus while in Oklahoma along with EVERYONE (and I do mean everyone) else...except one lone person.  Eric Guthrie.  I don't have any idea how he escaped it but he did.  John texted us while we were there and even he spent time with his head hanging over the porcelain throne!  I really thought the guy never got sick!  Jamie had a health scare and had us all a bit concerned.  She had surgery last week and had two lymph nodes removed.  It turned out that they were just infected.  She's completed a round of antibotics and is feeling much better.  And oh I really felt sorry for her when she got the stomach virus two days after her surgery.  She's on the mend now and will be up and going for the spring round of Perspective meetings around the country.  We are all thankful to God for her recovery.

On a side note....baby it's cold outside!  We've got highs in the 20s and lows in the single digits on campus this week!  It's like the tundra out there minus the snow.  There's no snow!  It's windy and sending the wind chill factor below zero!  Where's the white stuff?   Campus is locked in a deep freeze.

This morning Eric, Grant and I went to the Little Rock airport to send off the Rackley family to Uganda.  They finished bootcamp with John and Jamie in December and have sorted through their belongings and have managed to pack their "lives" into sixteen suitcases.  This is a permanent move for this family of eight.  They have never been to Uganda and Eric, Grant and I have, so I was very excited for them.  They're excited too but have no idea what to be excited about!  Quite a few of us  met them this morning to hug them, cry with them, pray with them and send them on their way.  Their parents were there and their aunts and uncles too along with several friends.  We're all so proud of them but as you know, this is a hard morning.  Goodbyes are difficult and you wonder when you'll see your family again.  On the flip side, the excitement was growing and "when was that plane going to take off?!"  It ended up being delayed three hours from the snowstorms around the south.  Here are a few pictures that I took.  I can't believe it....I forgot my camera so I tried to take some using an iphone.  I'm no good at this but I'm putting them up anyway!  These scenes should be familiar to you all!

Oh how we'll all miss them here in the States.  But God is at work in the lives of the Ugandans and the Rackleys have answered the call to go.  Children are awaiting their arrival and the whole family will invest in the hearts of the "least of these."  The call was given, and on bended knee, the answer "yes" was returned.

Living Under His Grace and Mercy,

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